Experience the Benefits of Purified Water by Calling – 407.449.4811
Pure Touch Water Filters – Providing soft, clean, and safe drinking water!

Water CAN Taste Better!
Anyone who has tasted Florida’s water, from long time residents to first time visitors, can all taste the abundant amounts of chlorine, ammonia, minerals and other unique impurities that are found in our municipal waters. Some have become accustomed and acclimated to these bad tastes and odors, but it doesn’t have to be that way!
With a Pure Touch water treatment system, you can elevate the taste of your water to new heights. Say goodbye to impurities and hello to crisp, refreshing hydration. Whether it’s for drinking or cooking, our systems ensure that every drop is clean and delicious. Experience the difference in taste and quality with Pure Touch Water Filters.

Healthy Skin and Hair
Hard Water accumulates on our hair and can make it feel rough and tangled. Many contaminants such as chlorine and hard minerals can damage your hair and dry out your skin and scalps.
For some people, this water contributes to skin irritations, eczema, acne or even allergic reactions.
If you know someone who is suffering from one of these issues, the culprit could be their water!
The solution to Florida’s hard water is to cleanse it of minerals and chemicals. Systems from Pure Touch Water Filters will make sure that the water that you and your family uses is clear of these harsh contaminants. This leaves your skin silky soft and your hair vibrant and shiny! The first step is an in-home consultation to review your concerns and test your water – all for free!

Plumbing and Appliances
Florida’s hard water destroys plumbing and appliances. Hard water minerals such as calcium carbonate (limestone) accumulate in hot water heaters, dishwashers, washing machines, and even your plumbing! This creates problems ranging from inefficient appliances and low water pressure, to THOUSANDS in repairs and replacements. Don’t let this happen to the home that you’ve worked so hard for! A Pure Touch Water Filters system will remove these harsh minerals and give your plumbing and appliances the life expectancies it deserves!

Home Filtration vs. Bottled Water
Many things about plastic bottles are scary. First, plastic is usually made from fossil fuels. They take a lot of energy to create and then remain in the environment for a very, very, very long time. We see them as trash on the streets and in landfills. Our oceans are filling up with them.
There are many different reports about how plastic gets into our soil, water and our bodies. We read about the chemicals in these bottles that can have long term health risks. While some reports say that certain types of plastic are worse than others, many other reports say that there are no good kinds of plastic.
With a whole house water system from Pure Touch Water Filters, you can enjoy clean and healthier water from your own home. Don’t spend outrageous amounts of money on water from an imaginary mountain spring. Get real, purified water that will keep you healthy without breaking your budget.

The day you have been waiting for is here! With a Pure Touch Water Filters water treatment system, you can say goodbye to hard water spots and many other obstacles on your household chores list. By removing virtually all contaminants effectively with a Pure Touch water filtration system, you will see the following benefits when it comes to cleaning:
-No more hard water spots
-Sparkling clean dishes
-Sparkling clean glass shower doors

Soaps Savings
The effects of hard water can be found throughout the entire home. The evidence is everywhere. Cleaning products geared to clean up after hard water can be expensive. Not only are these products expensive, but they are usually harsh on your skin! By treating the water “mechanically” with a water filtration system from Pure Touch Water Filters, you can eliminate the use of harsh cleaning products. By removing contaminants from the water, you also allow the power of the soap or detergent to be maximized. Without having to coat contaminants in the water, soap and ecology products lather at greater speed and volume than before. You will see an average reduction in your soap and cleaning products from 50-75%.

Longer Lasting Clothes
Hard water in Florida is one of the biggest culprits of a dwindling wardrobe. With these harsh contaminants, clothes tend to fade faster and whites turn to an ugly yellow tint. This is due to hard water minerals causing friction during the wash cycle, eventually collecting as lint in the dryer. A Mixture of chlorine in the water with bleach used for whites causes a yellow tint on whites over time. With a custom water filtration system from Pure Touch Water Filters, you will notice your whites are whiter, your colors are brighter, and your towels and sheets are oh so soft to the touch. Don’t wait for Florida’s hard water to ruin your wardrobe…